Monday, January 9, 2012

30 Storey Building built in 360 Hours

Which country can build a 30 storey building in 360 hours? Yes China. A country which is on a race with itself has set one more record – of sorts. A 30 storey, 183000 square foot hotel was built in 360 hours.

The hotel was built in the Hunan Province, China, by the Broad Group construction company. The whole hotel was built using pre-fabricated modules (of course) and uses a diagonal steel bracing. If you want to stick a ‘Made in China’ Moniker and pronounce that this building might not be safe, please delay your judgment until you hear what’s in store.

The hotel is 5 times more earthquake resistant than conventional building and can withstand a 9 magnitude earthquake. The building has been tested by the China Academy of Building research. The building is safe from the inside as well. Its indoor air is 20 times purer than the air outside thanks to a 3 stage air filtration set-up throughout the building. Further, there is air quality monitoring in every room.
The building is 5 times more energy efficient than regular buildings and has an external solar shading, heat recovery, fresh air and internal window insulation.

There was a similar heroic building story coming out of China back in 2010 : a 15 storey hotel was built in 6 days flat.

It’s not just that the building was built. The beds, curtains and everything that makes it a hotel were done by that time as well. It isn’t just done. It’s done and done. Ready to be occupied.
Now imagine a similar thing to be built in….No wait. That’s a moot point.

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